We provide mental wellness programs for first responders and work to cross out the stigma

Do you want an empathetic, non-judgemental listening ear? Someone who understands the struggles of being a first responder? You should chat with a PWC peer.

Available 24/7, Priority Wellness Campaign provides free, confidential peer support to first responders across the United States and Canada. Our trained peers understand your unique challenges because they've been there.

Based in Watertown, NY, we serve first responders nationwide through video and phone calls. Whether you're located in Northern New York or across the country, we're here when you need someone to talk to.

Connect with us today. You serve others – let us serve you.

Serving the first responder community

Our mission is the provide mental wellness programs to first responders and their families. Our flagship Peer Program pairs first responders with trained peers to lend a hand and be a guide to a sustainable career and life. Our organization has proudly served the Northern New York community since 2022!

Junior Firefighter Mental Health Class, Star Lake FD

PWC has two main programs, our Peer Program and Education Program. We also host an educational podcast called the Priority Wellness Podcast.

Purposeful programs

PWC Event Group Photo

Our organization is run by community members with a passion for service. Our volunteers provide support to every facet of our operations. From the Peer Program to our Development Team, volunteers can be found supporting the mission. If this sounds like the kind of group you’d like to join, visit our volunteer page for more information.

Get to know us

Thank you to our business and foundation supporters

Massena Volunteer Fire Department

Jane E. Deline Foundation

Town of Watertown Fire Department

Dexter Fire Department

JM McDonald Foundation

Maxine Quigg & Terry O’Brien Reach For The Stars Fund

Dr. D. Susan Badenhausen Legacy Fund

Beaver Falls Fire Department